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We're at set locations each week in Redhill, Dorking, Reigate, Meadvale and Earlswood.
Pre-orders are welcome by calling - 075 2785 2785 - after 12pm on the day.
Mondays - Reigate
The Blue Cow Butchers, West Road, Reigate, RH2 7JT // 12-8pm
Tuesdays - Dorking
Brookhouse Stores, Station Road, Dorking, RH4 1EN // 5-8pm
Wednesdays - Reigate
Henriettas, Slipshatch Road, RH2 8HA // 5-8pm
Thursdays - Meadvale
Old Oak Pub, Clarence Walk, Redhill, RH1 6NE // 5-8pm
Fridays - Earlswood
Earlswood Baptist Church, St John’s Road, RH1 6DZ // 5-8pm
We look forward to seeing you at one of our pitches soon!
Don't just take it from us...
"The best pizza in town! The service is great too.
5 star rating from me!" Suzanne, Meadvale
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